
Normal Birth After Cesarean is Not a Dream!

It used to be said, "If you had a cesarean birth once, your next births will be cesarean. If the first birth is a cesarean section, will the second one be normal?" However, thanks to advances in medicine, these thoughts are now history. Even if you had a cesarean section for your previous birth, you can have your next birth as a natural birth. This is called natural birth after cesarean section or vaginal birth after cesarean section or ssvd birth. But how?

Experience is Most Important in CSVD

Cesarean sections have become quite common nowadays, accounting for one out of every three births. This is exactly three times the expectation of the World Health Organization. Despite this increase in caesarean sections, the desire for natural birth remains strong and mothers still want to have a natural birth after a caesarean section.

It is a scientific statistic that the success rate for normal birth after caesarean section is around 75% for all mothers with current facilities. However, this can also bring some risks. For this reason, when planning the type of birth for vaginal birth after cesarean section, medical conditions and situations should be meticulously examined and the patient should be treated with caution, not forgetting that the patient is at risk in trying natural birth after cesarean section. In particular, the environment where normal birth will be performed after cesarean section should have all kinds of equipment, an active delivery room and operating room system 24/7, a blood bank, both adult and newborn intensive care unit. The patient should spend the labor period in the hospital. The doctor should be medically qualified both to plan the delivery well and to intervene in emergencies during labor.

What are the Benefits of CSVD?

There are some advantages for mothers who have a vaginal birth after a cesarean section.

  • Those who give birth normally after a cesarean section are protected from all the risks of a repeat cesarean section.
  • Shortens the hospital stay.
  • There are fewer complications of childbirth.
  • The time to return to normal activities is shorter for those who undergo SSVD.
  • You are more likely to have more children.
  • For those who have a normal birth after cesarean section, the psychological positive effects of having a vaginal birth can be counted as.
  • But the biggest advantage is the chance to give birth vaginally!

Conditions of Normal Birth After Cesarean

  1. It is important that the pregnant woman is willing to do so.
  2. We carry out all necessary examinations to ensure that the pregnant woman does not have any physical disabilities.
  3. We make the conditions of the hospital suitable for natural birth after cesarean section.
  4. We keep the team and operating room ready for emergency cases.
  5. We make sure that the hospital where we will perform the birth has a newborn intensive care service and a blood center.

SSVD Prices Ankara

First of all, it should be noted that birth prices in Ankara may vary from hospital to hospital. This is completely shaped according to the hospital you prefer and your expectations. As for the SSVD fees, Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu will determine this according to your examination. Of course, do not think of prices that smell your eyes, because Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu is a physician who loves her job. If you want to experience this experience with Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu, you can call our office.

Secure and Accessible SSVD in Ankara with Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu!

When you come to us with a previous cesarean section, we prepare you for natural birth in the best way possible. We monitor all risks during the birth follow-up. We take all necessary precautions. As statistics show, the success rate for normal birth after cesarean section is around 70%. However, your doctor's expertise in this field is an indisputable fact for you to be among that 70%.

Among the doctors who perform ssvd in Ankara, Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu, with her numerous birth and surgery experience, is very successful in emergency and rapid intervention, which even other physicians call for help, can make fast and correct decisions, has experience in surgery and risky birth, has gained the appreciation of her patients and pregnant women, and is proud of coming out of all the operations she has entered. For this reason, he has written his name among the most preferred gynecologists among the doctors who have ssvd in Ankara. Many pregnant women come from the surrounding provinces just to do ssvd. Remember! No matter how you give birth, the priority is for you and your baby to come out healthy. For this

  1. Be confident.
  2. Trust yourself to the right professionals.
  3. Prepare in advance for every situation that may arise in childbirth.
  4. Leave the birth happy, whether by cesarean section or SSVD.

What are the risks of normal birth after cesarean section?

First of all, it should be noted that every birth carries its own risks, and this is also the case when we have a cesarean section and then choose vaginal delivery.

  • The most prominent risk of normal delivery after a caesarean section is the opening of the old sutures and related problems. However, this risk is not as high as exaggerated in society (0.5-1.5%)
  • Emergency cesarean section requirements
  • Fetal distress
  • Neonatal unit needs
  • Uterine rupture
  • Infant loss due to childbirth
It should be underlined that the probability of many of the items in this list, which we list as the risks of normal birth after cesarean section, is actually very low, especially in an experienced hand. Based on my own experience, I can say that these risks are exaggerated with a wrong perception in the society.