
What is PRP Treatment?

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma), which is applied with platelet-rich plasma obtained from your own blood, is used in the treatment of many diseases.

How is PRP Treatment Performed

In the "PRP-Platelet Rich Plasma" method, which eliminates skin imperfections and gives the skin a young and fresh appearance, some blood taken from the person is placed in a special tube and subjected to centrifugation. The plasma, which is then separated into its components and enriched in platelets, is given back through injection. Thanks to the growth factors contained in the structure of platelets; wrinkles are reduced, skin elasticity and brightness are increased and damaged tissues heal. The ideal session duration and number of sessions for PRP, which is applied in areas such as the face, neck, décolleté area and hands, inner legs, arms, in people with hair loss, in the treatment of non-healing wounds and cracks, are as follows: In average 30-minute sessions, 3 times with an interval of 2 weeks.
Ankara You can call our office for information and appointments about PRP treatment, Op. Dr. You can have PRP treatment by Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu.

PRP Also Used in Hair Loss Treatment

This method, which is preferred in the treatment of hair loss, muscle and tendon injuries as well as many problems, helps all people, especially professional athletes, to recover in a short time. However, PRP treatment is not recommended for people with insufficient platelet count and cancer patients. PRP treatment is used in baldness as follows:

  • First of all, the blood taken from the person is placed in a special tube under sterile conditions.
  • Then it is placed in a tube containing a gel.
  • Then the tube is placed in a centrifuge and the substances in the blood are separated for about 5-8 minutes.
  • The plasma part of the blood rich in tronbocytes and growth factors is separated.
  • This rich mixture is administered by injection if there are still hair follicles on the scalp and they are alive. Thus, new hair grows from these follicles and the existing hair strands thicken.
  • This method cannot be successful in people who have completely lost their hair and whose hair follicles have died. Hair follicles must be alive for it to be successful.

The method is combined with an average of 6-8 sessions every 15 days, depending on the condition of the person, with vitamin injections called hair mesotherapy in between. After the cure is completed, the procedure can be continued with injections 1-2 times a year.

PRP Application

PRP treatment starts with blood collection. Platelet-rich plasma containing white blood cells is prepared and injected into the skin. At the injection sites, platelets and white blood cells create a synergistic effect and release growth factors. Growth factors increase the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid, allowing the skin to heal wounds, eliminate skin problems such as wrinkles and acne scars, and regenerate the skin. The procedure is applied in the form of filler injection or mesotherapy, but it is also possible to prepare it as a mask or cream.

You Can Rejuvenate Your Skin

In this application, a small amount of blood taken from the person is separated into its components through a special process and the small amount of "platelet-enriched plasma" obtained is returned to the same person by injection for skin rejuvenation. Immediately after the application, a healthy appearance and shine appears on the skin. After 3 or 4 applications, a permanent effect is seen. After 3-4 applications every 15 days, a better effect is obtained if repeated every 10-12 months. The positive results provided by other methods continue for a certain period of time, but since the positive results of the procedure belong entirely to the person applied, the effect does not disappear.

Platelets Regenerate Skin

Platelets are growth factor-containing cells that repair damaged blood vessels and other tissues in our body that allow blood to clot. When there is any damage to our tissues, the repair process starts through platelets. The treatment can deliver a much larger number of platelets to the target area than can be transported through the bloodstream. Platelets concentrated in plasma, when injected into the skin, stimulate growth factors, collagen production and the formation of new capillaries, allowing the skin to regenerate itself rapidly.

PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma)

Cracks are one of the cosmetic problems that do not affect body functions in any way, but make people very unhappy.
Stretch marks (i.e. striae) are formed as a result of rupture of the dermis, i.e. the middle layer of the dermis, and while it is possible to eliminate them with the methods applied in spot treatments in the first stages, they require scar treatment in advanced stages. Stretch marks usually occur in cases of excessive weight gain and loss, pregnancy, use of certain medications and after hormone treatments. The most common areas where stretch marks are seen are the abdomen, breasts, waist area, upper arms, inner parts of the legs and knees. Stretch mark formation is observed in 80% of women, especially after childbirth.
The primary goal in stretch mark treatment should be intervention immediately after the formation of stretch marks. Especially in the first 6-12 months, success is quite high in the treatment of stretch marks. Treatment protocols similar to spot treatments are sufficient for stretch marks that have not yet progressed to scar formation; chemical peeling applications, dermaroller applications, glycolic acid, glutathione, hyaluronic acid, retinoic acid, multivitamin and multi mineral solutions and mesotherapy treatments may be sufficient. However, the combined use of PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) and dermaroller with mesotherapy agents offers successful results in the treatment of advanced, deepened, scar-like stretch marks.

PRP Kit and the right approaches;

The use of an effective PRP treatment (PRP Treatment, which provides a platelet density 3-4 times more dense than the platelet density in the blood) in combination with concentrated mesotherapy products offers almost 100% success after 4-6 sessions in crack treatments.

Today, there are many patients who have received PRP treatment or mesotherapy treatment but have not achieved results. The main reason for this is wrong products and wrong treatment methods. Because many products offered as PRP Treatment Kit or PRP Tube are very risky products that cannot provide PRP treatment; they cannot provide platelet elimination, they only provide plasma elimination, and they are simple laboratory tubes containing only high amounts of citrate, which are not very suitable for health. A real PRP treatment is possible with special gel technologies and PRP tubes with specially coated inner surfaces.

Real PRP Tubes are products that offer a platelet yield of 94-98% and by trapping these platelets in a certain volume, they can provide PRP at least 3 times more dense than the platelet density in the blood and have been risk assessed in terms of health. It should be ensured that the products to be used in PRP treatment have passed all necessary biocompatibility and toxicity tests and can be safely injected into the patient after the blood is separated.

Mesotherapy products may be diluted or the source of active agents may be insufficient. Choosing the right mesotherapy products is very important in mesotherapy treatments; the application of products with effective formulation and high concentration with the right protocols offers successful results. Success is inevitable when a true mesotherapy treatment is applied.

Stretch marks are considered to be one of the most difficult cosmetic problems to treat; however, success in these treatments is quite high with the regular application of quality products in the light of effective treatment protocols. You can call our office for information and appointments about Ankara PRP treatment and you can have PRP treatment by Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu.

How PRP Works in the Genital Area

The importance of platelets (platelets) in PRP treatment in the genital area, other than hemostasis (blood clotting), initiates and regulates wound healing with the growth factors and cytokines it contains. Previous publications have shown that PRP is highly effective in wound healing and tissue regeneration. For all these reasons, PRP applications have come to the agenda in issues such as rejuvenation of the genital area and sexual reluctance.

Where to Use PRP in the Genital Area

It can be applied inside the vagina and external genital area. Our aim in genital PRP applications into the vagina is to create positive effects on sexual reluctance and orgasm by providing tissue regeneration.

Again, in the treatment of vaginal dryness that occurs in women in menopause, we provide rejuvenation of the vagina with genital / vaginal PRP applications. Another area of use of PRP is applications for tightening and rejuvenation of the external genital area (labium majus) for purely cosmetic purposes.

Why PRP is Used in the Genital Area

  • Genital area PRP can be applied to Labia Majora (outer lips) for rejuvenation and lightening.
  • Genital PRP can be applied between the upper wall of the vagina and the urethra (urethra) to help treat urinary incontinence.
  • Genital PRP can be applied to correct episiotomy (incision made at birth) scars.
  • Genital PRP can be applied into the vagina to reduce vaginal dryness and painful sexual intercourse.
  • Genital PRP can be applied to the sensitive points of the clitoris, G-spot and vagina for O shot (orgasm therapy).
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How to Apply PRP in the Genital Area

  • Multi-point injection technique; Multiple injections are applied in a certain systematic manner to the area to be PRP.
  • Tunnel Technique...
  • Genital area PRP applications; 3-4 times with 2-3 week intervals.

Who is this procedure not applicable (contraindicated)?

Genital PRP cannot be applied to those with serious coagulation disorders, those receiving anticoagulant (blood thinner) treatment, and those with chronic liver disease. In addition, it is not correct to apply genital PRP treatment to those with chronic diseases related to the immune system. Pregnancy is also not a suitable period for genital PRP application.

Are PRP Procedures a Painful Procedure?

The procedure is not painful. The amount of pain/pain felt in the PRP procedure applied to any part of the body is as much as it is felt. The patient can go home immediately after the procedure. After genital area PRP treatment, there is no need for any restrictions other than a one-week ban on intercourse.

You can call our office for information about Ankara PRP treatment and to make an appointment, Op. Dr. You can have PRP treatment by Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu. Click to Call: 0546 689 35 39

PRP Stretch Mark Treatment

Skin cracking is a common disorder and disturbs many people aesthetically. It manifests as linear thinning of the skin and scarring.

How Stretch Marks Form

Stretch marks occur mostly in women. Stretch marks are more common in women due to high levels of certain hormones. Stretch marks occur as a result of intense and continuous stretching in the lower tissues of the skin due to weight gain in different parts of the body. The stretching of the skin triggers the release of chemical substances from some cells in the skin. As a result, collagen and elastic fibers in the lower skin are damaged.

How to See Stretch Marks

When they first appear, stretch marks are purple-red in color and itchy. Over time, the stretch marks turn white and the skin becomes sunken. Stretch marks are mostly observed in the abdomen after pregnancy. Hips and legs are also common areas.

Is it Possible to Treat Stretch Marks?

Treatment of stretch marks is a difficult treatment and there is no single treatment option. Mesotherapy, PRP and dermaroller are among the treatment options. Recently, fractional carbon dioxide laser has been introduced into cosmetic dermatology practice due to satisfactory results. It can be used in the treatment of all old or new stretch marks. It is especially successful in hip and leg stretch marks. More than one session may be required for abdominal stretch marks. The number of sessions varies depending on the severity of the stretch marks and the structure of the skin.
You can call our office for information about Ankara PRP treatment and to make an appointment, you can have PRP treatment with Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu. Click to Call: 0546 689 35 39