
Epidural (Princess) Birth Ankara

We always hear from our elders, "I gave birth in labor, in pain". However, thanks to the possibilities offered to us by modern medicine, you no longer need to suffer from labor pains. We can easily relieve severe pain, which is the biggest fear of expectant mothers, with epidural normal delivery method.

Epidural Normal Delivery

So what is epidural normal delivery? Is it harmful? How is epidural anesthesia performed? Are epidural normal births more advantageous? What are the answers to many more questions such as who cannot give epidural birth? I will answer them in my article, but first let's look at why a birth pain occurs.

Birth Pain

Pain in the abdomen, groin and lower back that occurs at regular intervals with the onset of labor. The frequency indicates how close the mother and baby are to delivery. The pain is usually very severe and sometimes affects the mother and baby badly. Most women cannot tolerate these pains, so they cannot afford a natural vaginal delivery and opt for a caesarean section.

What Causes Birth Pain?

There are two main causes of pain during labor: emotional and functional.

  • Emotional pain is caused by "fears and ignorance". Prenatal education will not eliminate pain, but it will teach you how to deal with it.
  • The main cause of pain is functional. Uterine contractions, opening of the uterine canal, descent of the baby and medical interventions during labor are some of the causes of functional pain.

Painless Princess Birth with Epidural Anesthesia

Normal epidural labor is a method of delivery that allows you to give birth without severe pain. Epidural anesthesia allows you to experience the birth moment by moment, to witness the arrival of your baby, but also to feel no pain. Of course, epidural anesthesia does not guarantee a completely painless normal birth, i.e. zero pain. However, it reduces the pain of labor to a level that the pregnant woman can bear.

What Does Epidural Anesthesia Do?

Epidural anesthesia allows you to experience a painless birth. Before the birth, a catheter is inserted into the pregnant woman's vertebral spaces. Appropriate doses of medication are administered through the catheter, the tip of which is visible through the skin surface. After epidural anesthesia, you feel less pain thanks to the medication. Thus, you can witness every moment of the birth as regional anesthesia is applied. Pregnant woman with epidural anesthesia;

  • Feels pain much less.
  • Feels touch.
  • Can walk.
  • Lives a more comfortable birth process.
  • Can hold her baby immediately after birth.

How to Perform Epidural Anesthesia

First of all, it is important to know this. Contrary to popular belief, epidural anesthesia is performed by an anesthesiologist, not an obstetrician. Therefore, whether epidural anesthesia is successful or not is in the hands of the anesthesiologist. Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu has her own anesthesia team and you can trust this team with years of experience with your eyes closed. If you prefer a normal delivery with epidural anesthesia, you will be given a regional anesthesia. During this process, the expectant mother is given a sitting position and the place where the anesthesia needle will be inserted is determined. The area is numbed with the needle. Medication is given at certain intervals where the needle is inserted. Shortly after the first medication, the expectant mother begins to feel no pain. After the princess birth is over, the catheter is removed by the anesthesiologist.

Are There Risks of Epidural Normal Birth? Who Is Not Applicable?

Epidural anesthesia is not performed in the group at risk for normal epidural birth. If

  • Dehydration
  • Your bleeding disorder.
  • Allergy to the substances in the epidural anesthesia we use.
  • You have low blood pressure.
  • If you have an infection or burn-like condition in the area where we will inject you.
  • You have had a brain hemorrhage.
  • You have a tumor
  • Suspicion or diagnosis of a neurological disease
  • If you are on anti-blood thinners
  • If your platelet count is below 100,000, you will not be given an epidural. Likewise, epidural anesthesia is not administered to mothers who do not consent to epidural birth.

Why Should I Prefer Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu in Ankara for Epidural Normal Birth (Princess Birth)?

Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu has easily performed epidural normal birth (princess birth) for many expectant mothers from Ankara and surrounding provinces with her experience and knowledge in more than 15 years since graduating from Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine. In all his applications, the inclusion of the family in the process, the establishment of the decision mechanism together with the mother, and his close follow-up of the developments in his field place our teacher in a special place in the eyes of his patients and pregnant women. When you decide to have your epidural birth with Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu, it will be enough to contact our office and make an appointment.