

Birth is one of the normal physiological functions of our body, like eating, drinking, sleeping or digestive system activities. Birth begins with the baby entering the birth canal and ends with the expulsion of the placenta, the structure we call the baby's partner.

Birth Package Ankara

For every expectant mother, whether it is her first birth or her fifth, the process is both exciting and stressful. Knowing and accepting this from the beginning both relaxes the expectant mother and enables us to carry out the process in a healthy way. I can say that there are many factors that affect how the mother experiences the birth process. As well as physiological reasons (treatment pregnancy, twin pregnancy or risky situations brought by pregnancy), you may have an easier or more difficult birth depending on factors such as psychological support, your communication with your obstetrician, the level of awareness of you and your environment about birth, and the good and sometimes bad birth experiences you have heard from around you for years and read on google. So what kind of a path do I follow as Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu and which methods do I use? Here are the methods I use with over 10000 birth experiences.

Years of Experience in Birth Choice

We have done the pregnancy follow-up in the most accurate way, we have ensured the healthy development of our baby, and now the day has come to hold your baby in your arms. As I always say, pregnancy follow-up is fun most of the time, birth is sometimes long, sometimes at jet speed but always exciting, becoming a parent is the hardest and longest because it continues throughout life.

As an obstetrician who has performed countless births, I can easily say this. Remember that the risks are minimized in your birth as a result of a good and accurate follow-up. We can only decide how the birth will be at the end of this process. Expertise and knowledge are the most important conditions for making the right decision. Neither the parents, close relatives nor the doctor can determine the mode of delivery. In this process, the steering wheel is in the hands of the baby. I always say the following to expectant mothers who ask me questions such as whether my birth will be normal or cesarean section, which day it will be born, whether I will need an epidural. As an obstetrician, I will do my best to help you give birth in the healthiest and smoothest way possible, and the baby will make the decision on how the birth will take place. In this process, I will guide and accompany you with all my medical knowledge and experience and ensure that you go home with a healthy mother and baby. In other words, I say "Trust First" to all my pregnant women coming from Ankara and neighboring cities, because trust is the backbone of our relationship.


Babies need unconditional trust with their obstetrician for a comfortable and trouble-free delivery. Being aware of this, we are your companions from the beginning of the birth process. As a result of this companionship, a new person joins us. In order to facilitate the arrival of your baby, we become your confidant and friend as well as your obstetrician. We care about empathizing with you, understanding you and getting to know you.


We can say that natural birth is the best method for both mother and baby. In natural childbirth, the birth process starts spontaneously, no interventions such as artificial labor, enema, epidural anesthesia are applied to the expectant mother. A birth follow-up is made to ensure that the process progresses on its own. During labor, no incision called episiotomy is made, the baby's umbilical cord is cut late. And thus, the birth is carried out without any intervention as much as possible. Our primary preference is for natural birth. Of course, medical suitability is a mandatory condition for this. If it is not medically appropriate, we consider other options.


When the conditions for a normal delivery are not met, we may prefer a caesarean section as a result of medical necessity. In order to choose this option, it is necessary to follow the birth correctly and to know the mother well. We make the most accurate, risk-free and healthy choice for you and your baby. Let's not forget that cesarean section is a rescue surgery for both mother and baby. When necessary, cesarean section may not be an option but a necessity. For this reason, it is important to remember that an elective cesarean section also brings some risks in the long term.

Vaginal Birth After Cesarean / SSVD

We can deliver your second child naturally, even if you had a cesarean section for your first birth. When we make this decision at the beginning, we prepare you for a natural birth in the best possible way. We monitor all risks during the birth follow-up. We take all necessary precautions. At this point, the main priorities for maternal and infant health should be that the birth center is suitable for SSVD, that the operating room and delivery room are active 24/7, that neonatal and adult intensive care conditions are provided, that the physician and his team who follow the delivery have mastered the process and have experienced it many times, and that emergency surgery skills are sufficient. We meet all of these conditions.


You don't have to writhe in pain while giving birth. We can easily relieve severe pain, which is the biggest fear of expectant mothers. Epidural is a method we use so that you can experience the birth moment by moment, witness the arrival of your baby, but at the same time not feel pain. Epidural normal birth, popularly known as princess birth, can be preferred to reduce the intensity of pain and increase the mother's compliance in labor.