
Ankara Female Infertility Treatment

Infertility in women is caused by increasing age. As age increases, it becomes more difficult to conceive. Infertility will occur in 1/3 of women who leave the gestational age to the 35s.

Female Infertility

Causes of Infertility in Women

Fallop Tube

In 35% of infertile women, the problem is in the fallopian tube. To show whether the tubes are blocked or damaged, HSG, a medicated uterine X-ray, is performed. If the tubes are blocked, damaged or adherent, they can be corrected surgically. If the operation is successful and there is no other reason for infertility, pregnancy will occur, but if the operation fails, IVF (in vitro fertilization) is the best option for couples who want to have a child.

Loving Problems

Irregular and abnormal ovulation accounts for 5-25% of the causes of infertility. Every month, a normal woman ovulates by hatching an egg from her ovary at the right time. If ovulation does not occur, this is called anovulation. A woman may be menstruating but not ovulating. There are various tests to detect anovulation. Women with anovulation can be made to ovulate with medication. Regular ovulation has been achieved in 80% of women with this treatment.

Cervical Problems

The condition of the cervix is rarely the sole cause of infertility. Antibodies that kill or immobilize sperm may be present in the cervical mucus, seminal fluid, sperm surface or all three. In this case, the sperm will not be able to travel to the fallopian tube and fertilization will not occur. The best option in this situation is vaccination, in which fast and motile sperm are selected and injected into the uterus.

Problems of the Uterus

Hysterosalpingography (medicated uterine film) is an imaging technique used to monitor the condition of the uterus and tubes. It is performed in the week after the end of menstruation and before ovulation. A radiopaque substance is administered through the cervix and then through the tubes into the abdomen. Adhesions in the uterus, the condition of the uterine cavity, the presence of fibroids and the condition of the tubes are monitored. In some cases, the pressure of the radiopaque substance can open the mucus plugs in the tubes. If this is the cause of infertility, pregnancy can occur after this procedure. Hysteroscopy is performed to confirm and treat abnormalities detected by HSG.

Intra-abdominal Adhesions and Other Problems

The peritoneum (peritoneum) is the membrane lining the abdominal organs. Anomalies of the peritoneum can sometimes cause infertility. Laporoscopy is used to diagnose these abnormalities. Laporoscopy is a surgical procedure that allows the abdominal cavity to be viewed with a camera under anesthesia and treated if necessary. Endometriosis is identified by laporoscopy and is responsible for 35% of female infertility.

Does Advanced Maternal Age Affect Achievement?

The age of the woman is one of the most important factors affecting the success of IVF. In couples who have postponed their pregnancy plan, the age of the woman is an important reason that negatively affects the success of the treatment.

Does the absence of tubes cause infertility?

The structures we call tubes are the structures through which the oocyte, the female reproductive cell, passes from the ovary (ovary) to meet and fertilize with the sperm with uvulation in every menstrual cycle in a healthy woman. If fertilization is successful, the zygote moves into the uterus where it continues its development. In other words, the tubes act as a bridge between the ovary and the uterus. If this bridge is not functioning, the oocyte and sperm cannot come together and fertilization cannot occur.

Tubal ligation, one of the contraceptive methods, is based on cutting the connection between the ovary and the uterus. Couples who undergo tubal ligation can never have children naturally again. In order to have children again, they must seek help from a specialist. If the tubes are unilaterally destroyed, there is a chance of pregnancy, but not as high as in a healthy woman.

If the tubes are bilaterally absent, this is a cause of infertility.
Absent tubes can prevent conception naturally, but couples can have a baby without any problems with assisted reproductive techniques and IVF treatment.

Does the ovary age earlier than normal?

Women are born with a certain reserve of eggs. When they get older and start menstruating, one egg matures each month and is sent to the uterus in the hope of meeting sperm. This continues every month and ends when a woman reaches her 45s. This is because the egg reserve is exhausted. What we call premature aging of the ovary is actually the fact that the egg reserve, which is decreasing in every woman, approaches its end earlier than expected and the egg quality decreases with this approach. This can be caused by various factors. Although advancing age is one of the leading causes, there are also various causes such as previous diseases, use of medications that damage the ovaries, unhealthy living habits and genetic factors. Although they do not show any symptoms, they are usually detected during routine gynecological examinations. By the time you realize this, you don't have much time to get pregnant. If you are planning to conceive, you should talk to your doctor and act quickly because once your egg reserve is depleted, you have little choice. If you are not planning a pregnancy yet, you can freeze your eggs in consultation with your doctor.

Do Uterine Deformities Cause Infertility?

Anatomical deformities of the uterus have their origins in development in the womb. The uterus is an organ that develops as two separate structures that merge in the middle. If the muscle layers in the middle do not disappear during this development, these deformities can occur. Another reason is the way the tubes join. If there is a problem in the joining of the tubes, conditions such as a unicorn uterus can occur. Any deformity of the uterus poses a problem for the expectant mother and the baby.

The normal uterus can be compared to a triangular structure with the top down. The arcuate structure, in which the upper edge of the triangle curves downwards, is not an obstacle to pregnancy and is even observed in many women.

A bicornate uterus is observed when it descends at right angles to divide the uterus into two and opens into the vagina with a common mouth. A uterus that divides the uterus and the opening into the vagina is called a didelfus uterus. The risk of miscarriage and preterm delivery is high in didelphus uterus.

The effect of uterine deformities on pregnancy is negative in terms of preventing attachment, miscarriages, difficulties in childbirth, and decreased egg sperm union rate.

In summary, uterine deformities reduce the possibility of pregnancy and put the pregnancy at risk. Therefore, if pregnancy is planned, these deformities must be treated. Uterine deformities can be easily diagnosed by HSG and 3D USG and the treatment can be provided in a simple way with surgery or medication.

Does endometriosis cause infertility?

Endometriosis is a condition in which tissues similar to the endometrium tissue in the uterus are found outside the uterus. The exact cause is still unknown, but the most accepted theory is that during menstruation these tissues pass through the tubes into the abdomen and settle there. These tissues can be located in various places:

  • Intestines
  • Peritone
  • Yumurtalık
  • Uterine Duct
  • Mesane
  • Vagina
  • Belly
During menstrual bleeding, bleeding occurs in the uterus as well as in the places where these tissues are located and causes some symptoms (severe menstrual cramps, groin pain in the later period and infertility)

The endometrium tissue that settles in the ovaries can form chocolate cysts by continuously accumulating on it with menstrual bleeding. If these cysts become too large, serious problems can occur. Chocolate cysts are diagnosed by laporoscopy or open surgery.

One of the causes of infertility in women can be endometriosis. In some women, scar tissue caused by endometriosis can sometimes block the tubes and prevent the sperm and egg from joining.

There are several theories that endometriosis causes infertility:
  • The inflammation caused by endometriosis affects the sperm and egg through various cytokines, making fertilization difficult.
  • It can cause blockage of the tubes by forming scar tissue and adhesions.
  • If endometriosis tissue is located on the ovary, it can disrupt ovulation and cause infertility by blocking the passage of the egg into the tube.

What is Early Menopause?

Menopause can be defined as the cessation of menstruation, which is usually seen in women at the age of 45 and later, with the end of the egg reserve. Early menopause, on the other hand, is the cessation of menstruation that can be seen in your twenties and thirties before your forties. If you are not yet in your forties and have frequent irregular periods, it is useful to consult a specialist to have your egg reserve examined and have the necessary tests done.

There are various symptoms of early menopause. These are:

  • Hot pressing
  • Vaginal dryness and infection
  • Menstrual irregularity
  • Sleep problems
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Emotion state changes
  • Dry skin
  • Joint and muscle pain

What Causes Early Menopause?

  • Lifestyle and genetics play an important role among the causes of early menopause.
  • If you have a family history of early menopause, you should definitely consult a specialist and have the necessary tests done.
  • Past ovarian surgery
  • Vegetarian diet
  • Not getting enough sunlight
  • Cigarette smoking
  • Chemotherapy/radiotherapy

How to Diagnose Early Menopause

When you consult our doctor with suspicion of early menopause, your doctor will try to reach a conclusion by applying certain tests to you. These are

  • FSH hormone level
  • FSH (Follicle Stimulating Hormone) is a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates the ovaries to mature eggs. If your ovaries are depleted of egg reserves, that is, if there are no eggs to mature, FSH will try to do so and increase its level in the blood to stimulate it more.
  • Estrogen Level
  • Estrogen is a hormone secreted mainly from the ovary in women. If your ovaries have run out of egg reserves, that is, if the organ has completed its task, it will reduce estrogen production. However, estrogen production does not only have an effect on reproduction. It is also an important hormone for bone health.
  • Antimullerian Hormone (AMH)
  • AMH is an indicator of how many eggs you have in your ovaries because it is secreted from cells called granulosa, which surround the egg cells.
  • Does Early Menopause Prevent Conception?

    If your egg reserve is about to run out and you have not yet found a partner or are not yet thinking about children, you can freeze your eggs and have a child in the future through IVF treatment. If your egg reserve is low and you are planning to have children, you should see a specialist to plan a pregnancy.

    If you have an infertility problem, we recommend that you get examined quickly and get the necessary medical help...