
Pubis Aesthetics

The pubic area is the triangular shaped area extending on the lower abdomen, between the two groins, up to the clitoris. In this triangle-shaped area, excess subcutaneous fat tissue forms a protrusion. This protrusion is called the Venus Hill. In some women, the adipose tissue in this area is much more than normal and can cause a bad appearance. In this case, aesthetic applications for the area we call the Venus hill come to the agenda.

Why choose pubis aesthetics?

The pubic area may be more voluminous and puffy than normal in some women. This causes it to be more prominent when women wear bikinis, underwear and prefer tights and short tops. This prominence is extremely uncomfortable for most women and causes aesthetic concerns. Especially after cesarean section, the protruding structure in this area makes the woman even more uncomfortable. It causes a double folded appearance above and below the caesarean section suture.

Especially at a young age, this aesthetic anxiety is experienced even more intensely. This situation can negatively affect many situations, from a woman's sexual life to her social life. For this reason, Venus hill operations are performed.

Why is the pubic area larger in some people?

As mentioned above, this area is very rich in adipose tissue. In women who are overweight and gain weight quickly and then lose weight, the excess fat tissue in this area remains. This causes the area to look large, puffy and swollen. Sometimes, due to structural reasons, the area may have a more bulging appearance in thin women. This appearance may cause aesthetic discomfort in women.


An incision similar to the one made for a cesarean section is made. Excess fat is removed through this incision. Thus, the area is given an aesthetic appearance.

What are the risks of pubis aesthetic surgery?

One of the most frequently asked questions about pubic aesthetic surgery is the risks of this operation. The risks of this operation are similar to the risks of other aesthetic procedures. There are general operation risks such as bleeding and infection. However, these risks are extremely low in reliable hands. After the operation, the patient can quickly return to his/her routine daily life.


In recent years, interest in non-surgical methods for pubis reduction has increased. Both the short recovery period and the rapid return to daily life have increased the number of non-surgical applications for pubis reduction. This area gains an aesthetic appearance with mesotherapy methods. In the mesotherapy method, a number of substances are injected under the skin with small needles. Fat dissolving drugs are injected into the fat tissue under the skin, allowing this area to thin and shrink a little. Patients need to be a little more patient in non-surgical methods. Because it takes a certain time for the drugs to take effect. On average, the application takes place between 8 and 10 sessions. These sessions cover a total period of two months. Successful results are achieved at the end of this period.