

In most cases, unwanted pregnancies that occur after unprotected sexual intercourse can cause major problems for women. In order to terminate this situation, the evacuation of the pregnancy product in the uterus, commonly known as abortion (curettage), is performed.


Abortion can be legally performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy in accordance with the laws in our country. The most common reasons for abortion can be listed as follows;

  • In case of an unwanted pregnancy
  • When pregnancy control processes detect a health problem that prevents the mother from continuing the pregnancy
  • If the pregnancy control process detects an incompatible disease in the baby
  • In the diagnosis and treatment of thickening of the uterus in the post-menopausal period and all kinds of abnormal uterine bleeding in the pre-menopausal period, abortion can be performed with the decision of the doctor and patient.


Although there are many countries where abortion is still prohibited today, in Turkey abortion can be performed legally under a law adopted in 1983. In our country, it is legal to have an abortion until the 10th week of pregnancy. If the woman is married, abortion can be performed with the consent of her husband, that is, with the consent of both of them. However, if the woman is single and over the age of 18, she can only have an abortion with her own consent. In other words, the signature of a lover or friend is not required for single women.

Can I have a miscarriage with menstrual abortifacients?

Women try to induce miscarriage on their own with the help of a number of over-the-counter medications sold in pharmacies to delay menstruation or to induce menstruation. This method is extremely dangerous for women's health. It is definitely not a recommended method as it can lead to unstoppable bleeding, uterine fragments in the uterus and subsequent loss of the uterus. We strongly recommend that you seek help from an obstetrician-gynecologist, as trying to induce a miscarriage with the use of such a drug can bring with it life-threatening risks.


Some women try to induce miscarriage with some unreliable drugs sold on the internet. The use of abortion-inducing drugs is legally prohibited in Turkey. The use of these drugs, known as abortifacients, is dangerous. What you should do instead is to see a gynecologist if you have a delay in your period.


Although abortion can legally be performed up to the 10th week of pregnancy, it is better to intervene in the early weeks without even waiting for these weeks. In order to minimize the emotional, physical and spiritual effects of abortion, it is better not to wait until the 10th week. According to experts, the most suitable periods for abortion are between one week and three weeks from the date of menstruation. However, in order to determine the most appropriate abortion date, the opinions of the gynecologist or the doctor who will perform an ultrasound are also important. Abortion fees may vary according to the week of pregnancy.


The abortion operation must be performed in an authorized and sterile environment. Abortion can be performed in both private and public hospitals. However, being busy in public hospitals and rescheduling appointments to later dates may cause you to exceed the legal period. For this reason, preferring private practices will allow you to get faster results.


After the abortion operation, ovulation can occur in the uterus in about 2-3 weeks and conception can occur. Usually 1 week after the abortion operation, it should be checked by ultrasound whether there is any structure left in the uterus. After the abortion and before pregnancy, it should be checked whether the uterus is ready for pregnancy.

ANKARA HOW IS ABORTION A PROCEDURE? what are abortion techniques?

There are two types of abortion techniques. Local anesthesia and sedation anesthesia, which is a type of general anesthesia, are preferred. In local anesthesia, only the cervix is anesthetized, so there may be a feeling of discomfort in the groin during the procedure. In recent years, general anesthesia has been preferred over local anesthesia for abortion because there is no pain during the procedure and the procedure is not remembered, so it does not cause psychological discomfort. Therefore, it would be more comfortable for the patient to have an abortion with sedation-style general anesthesia.

The environment must be absolutely sterile during abortion operations. After anesthesia, the vagina and cervix are cleaned during the abortion. In the next stage, the patient's pregnancy is evacuated by vacuum through plastic cannulas. In more advanced pregnancies, the inside of the uterus is controlled with instruments called curettes. After these procedures, painkillers are administered to prevent the patient from waking up with severe pain. Since the procedure is performed by looking at the ultrasound, there is almost no risk of leaving parts in the uterus or the formation of adhesions due to too much aspiration. At the end of the procedure, the uterus is checked again by ultrasound, and if the patient wishes, a spiral can be inserted into the uterus for protection at the end of the procedure. In an abortion under general anesthesia, the patient waking up will not remember anything.

With local anesthesia, the patient will remember all the procedures and will take longer to recover psychologically.

What is vacuum curettage? HOW IS IT APPLIED?

In recent years, the vacuum method has become more preferred in abortion procedures. Vacuum abortion provides a shorter operation process and faster recovery. This technique, in which the patient is under general anesthesia, allows for painless vacuum abortion.


Abortion prices in Ankara vary according to the doctor and the week of pregnancy. To the question of whether abortion is expensive, prices are determined according to the doctor profile of the location you go to. You can get information from the contact page of the site to learn abortion Ankara prices.

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Where are the state hospitals that perform curettage in Ankara?

Abortion is performed in the gynecology and obstetrics departments of state hospitals. You can contact the hospital to get information about abortion procedures at your local public hospital. Keep in mind that appointments in public hospitals are made for very late dates, so you may miss the legal deadline.

Does one use antibiotics after curettage?

Simple painkillers for groin and abdominal pain are usually prescribed after the abortion. Painkillers and antibiotics must be used regularly as prescribed by the doctor. The most important thing to be aware of after an abortion is the possibility of excessive pain, bleeding and fever. Normally, a follow-up examination is performed 1 week after the abortion.


Abortion is essentially a practical procedure that takes very little time. In safe hands, the procedure can be safely completed in as little as 5-10 minutes. Many patients are also surprised that the abortion is completed in such a short time after waking up, so it is not a procedure to worry about.

What should I see my doctor for after the curettage?

If you experience the following conditions in the post-abortion period, you should inform your doctor immediately.

  • Fever above 38 degrees,
  • Pain and cramps that do not go away despite taking painkillers and antibiotics,
  • Excessive bleeding and fragmentation,
  • If your bleeding does not decrease 5 days after the abortion,
  • If you have foul-smelling discharge, you should definitely contact the physician who performed the procedure.

What are the risks of globalization?

As with any medical intervention, abortion has its own risks. At this point, the experience of the physician performing the abortion comes to the fore. The risks of an abortion procedure performed by a reliable physician in a sterile environment are negligible. If you go for an abortion in an under-the-stairs facility, the procedure may even carry life-threatening risks.


After the abortion, sexual intercourse should be avoided for a while in order for the uterus to recover and to avoid bleeding and infection risks. Sexual intercourse should be avoided for 3 days after the abortion. If bleeding continues, the bleeding should be expected to end. At your 1st week check-up after the abortion, your doctor will give you information about your general condition and whether you can have intercourse.

When does the menstrual cycle start after curettage?

After an abortion, menstrual irregularities may occur temporarily. Usually the normal menstrual cycle will be restored within 1-2 months. You are expected to have your first period about 30-35 days after the procedure. If complications such as bleeding, intrauterine adhesions or infection develop during the procedure, it may take 3-6 months for the normal menstrual cycle to return. Contraception is recommended for 1-2 months after the abortion to allow the uterus to rest and recover. For contraception, birth control pills, spiral or condoms can be used. After 1-2 menstrual periods in the normal pattern, the patient can plan pregnancy again if she wishes.

Is there any harm to the uterus from the curettage procedure?

Abortion generally does not harm the uterus. However, depending on the risks of the operation, post-abortion fragments may remain, infection may occur and re-pregnancy may become difficult due to increased intrauterine adhesion. The probability of these risks is very low. In general, abortion operations performed correctly do not damage the uterus and do not prevent the patient from becoming pregnant.


There is no limit to unwanted pregnancy termination (abortion). Of course, it is also important that all procedures are performed in a sterile environment and by specialist doctors. If the abortion procedure is performed by a reliable physician and in a sterile manner, there will be no limit to the number of abortions. Of course, as every procedure has its risks, abortion has its own risks, but these risks are minimized in reliable hands and there is no harm in having abortions repeatedly.

Since the uterus will heal very quickly in abortion operations performed without damaging the uterus with the vacuum abortion method, no harm is done to the patient.

Can a woman who had a curettage procedure get pregnant again?

One of the most common concerns of women who have had an abortion is whether they can get pregnant again after the abortion procedure. If the abortion procedure does not cause any damage to the tissues or irreparable damage to the uterus, it is possible to get pregnant again. Normally, abortion is recommended up to the 10th week, the reason why it is said to be the 10th week is that from then on, the risk of not being able to get pregnant again in the future or risks such as infertility are more likely. However, the risk of infertility is negligible in abortion procedures performed before the 10th week. Since risks such as infertility may increase as the gestational week increases, we recommend that those who are considering having an abortion procedure should have their abortions as early as possible.


Things to consider when considering an abortion procedure;

  • Abortion, like all other medical procedures, is an important surgical intervention. For this reason, it is important that the physician performing the abortion procedure is experienced in this field and has performed many cases.
  • Before the abortion, the gestational week should be clearly evaluated by ultrasound. As the gestational week increases, the techniques and materials used in the procedure will change and a preparation should be made accordingly. It is also very important that the patient provides accurate information to the doctor before the abortion.
  • Only abortion can be performed in sterile environments and clean clinics. If abortion is performed in places under the stairs that are not suitable for these, very serious infections may occur and put the patient at risk. It is also very important that the materials used in abortion are sterile.
  • The patient should be hungry and thirsty for 4-6 hours before the abortion operation. If the patient has regular medications, it is okay to take them with a little water. If the patient is full, the food may escape into the lungs as a result of nausea and vomiting that may occur due to anesthesia drugs. Your physician will inform you about this before the procedure.
  • In terms of anesthesia, general anesthesia is recommended. In case of local anesthesia, you can have an abortion while you are full, but considering the pain and the longer duration of the disease, general anesthesia should always be preferred.

If you have a curettage during the first pregnancy, can you not get pregnant again?

This is one of the urban myths about abortion. Although abortion is not a method of family planning, there is no such thing as a woman who has had an abortion during her first pregnancy never becoming pregnant again. It is unrealistic. If you go to a good clinic and have an uneventful abortion in a sterile environment, you can start conceiving again in a few months and have uneventful pregnancies without any disruption to your life.

Can a hymen repair operation be performed while undergoing curettage?

The question 'After the abortion procedure is performed, can the hymen be sewn at the same time' is also one of the frequently wondered issues. Abortion and hymenoplasty can be performed at the same time, but it would be more accurate to evaluate the issue in terms of benefit and harm. For hymen sewing, your bleeding must stop in the first place. This requires you to wait at least 10 days after the abortion. If your bleeding stops and you return to normal within a week and 10 days, you can also have hymen stitching with flap or microsurgery method. At the same time, laser or surgical vaginal tightening operations can also be performed. We recommend that women who are considering having several procedures at the same time should discuss the details of the procedures with their physician in detail before the procedure.

The PROCESS AFTER CURSAGE: what do I experience?

After an abortion (termination of pregnancy), menstruation returns to its normal cycle. You can return to your normal daily life immediately after the abortion. However, bleeding may last for several days. While some women do not bleed for a long time during abortion procedures, some women may have patchy bleeding for up to a week. If you witness an abnormal situation, you should inform your doctor immediately.


The medicines given should be used as prescribed. You should also go for a check-up at the time specified by your doctor. If you experience any pain, fever or bleeding after the abortion procedure, you should contact your doctor immediately.

When is the first period after a pregnancy abortion?

There are many reasons for terminating this pregnancy, which is defined as an unwanted pregnancy, by abortion. Such as pregnancy out of wedlock, the fact that the other baby is smaller, pregnancies left over from a broken marriage. Sometimes abortion is also performed in cases where the expectant mother has a serious life-threatening condition that cannot tolerate the pregnancy. Rarely, these pregnancies are terminated when tests and ultrasound results show that the baby has a disease that is unlikely to survive. The first menstruation after pregnancy abortion is observed approximately 30-35 days after the abortion procedure. Sometimes this period can be delayed for up to 45 days.

Do you need spousal consent for a pregnancy cure?

If a decision is taken to terminate the pregnancy, an abortion is necessary. In order to carry out the procedure, a document showing the consent of the expectant mother and father is obtained. In this document, it is required that both the mother and the father must be written and signed in their own handwriting, stating that they have terminated the pregnancy in accordance with their own wishes. While spousal consent is required for married women, this is not necessary for single mothers. Because the expectant mother does not have a legal spouse, it will be sufficient for the expectant mother to request this. This approval rule, which is organized to protect joint decision-making in marriages and to protect the foundations of marriage, is very necessary. No action is taken without approval. However, spousal consent is not required only for singles.

Second Trimester Termination

The legal termination period in Turkey is up to the 10th week of pregnancy. However, requests for termination of pregnancy older than 10 weeks of gestation are also quite common. Abortion over 10 weeks cannot be terminated without a medical board report. The legal limit for termination of pregnancy, i.e. abortion, is the 10th week of pregnancy.

For example, if the baby has severe developmental problems and is incompatible with life, the family is informed by doctors. They are informed that even if the baby is born, it will not survive. If the family agrees, a voluntary termination can be made, this may be because the termination approved by the doctors has completed the legal procedure. These and other examples can be multiplied.


Abortion is a surgical method of abortion used to terminate a pregnancy. Abortion is the process of terminating unwanted pregnancies in pregnancies that result in miscarriage or up to the 10th week of pregnancy allowed by law. The law imposes certain restrictions on voluntary termination of pregnancy. If a person is under 18 years of age, termination of pregnancy cannot be performed without parental consent.

If the individual is married, abortion cannot be performed without the consent of the spouse. Women who have completed 10 weeks of gestation cannot have an abortion because the law does not allow it. In order for a pregnant woman to make the decision to terminate her pregnancy, the abortion procedure must not pose any health risk to her. For pregnancies past 10 weeks of gestation to be terminated, it must be established that there is a situation that endangers the life of the mother or the baby.

You can call our office for information and appointment about abortion in Ankara and have an abortion by Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu.