
Hymen Sewing

Due to religious and cultural reasons, virginity and hymen are still one of the most important problems in Turkey and many other countries around the world. Social values and family pressure can create serious problems about the hymen, medically known as hymen. The hymen, which can rupture for many reasons other than sexual intercourse, may not cause any bleeding in some women even if there is sexual intercourse.

What is the hymen? WHY IS IT IMPORTANT?

The hymen, located just a few centimeters inside the vagina, has a very thin structure. The main cause of hymen damage is due to the delicate structure of the onion membrane. However, the hymen does not completely cover the entrance to the vagina like the eardrum, but there is a tiny opening in the middle. Thanks to this opening, menstrual blood from the uterus during menstruation can be easily discharged outside. Otherwise, that is, if the hymen had completely closed the entrance to the vagina, menstrual blood would accumulate in the vagina instead of pouring out, causing disease conditions. Even a physical effect that is not too severe can cause the hymen to break down. For example, it is very possible to tear the hymen while practicing certain sports or during masturbation. In thousands of years of human history, the hymen has become a symbol of virginity with cultural influences from centuries. However, the biological benefit of the hymen to the female body is to prevent the penetration of germs and viruses into the vagina.
The scientific name of the hymen is the Latin word hymen. The name of the hymen-oriented operations known as hymen in Latin is called hymenoplasty. Doctors specialized in hymenoplasty can perform hymenoplasty operation professionally and without any health risk. It is very important for successful results that hymenoplasty is performed by physicians who are experts in their field.

Can you tell if your hymen is broken?

There are generally two main types of hymen rupture. Although specific cases may occur from time to time, there are basically two types of deterioration; the physical consequences of a partial rupture and a general hymen rupture are different. In both cases, a detailed examination by a specialist gynecologist can determine whether the hymen has ruptured.

How to recognize a ruptured hymen

If you have a tear in your hymen, the most important symptom is a collection of blood. In some women, the signs of a tear, even partial ones, can be visibly serious. Bruising on the sides of the hymen is also a sign of a rupture. However, if more than 3 days have passed since the rupture, conditions such as blood collection and bruising that we encounter in the early period will have disappeared and only the edges of the torn hymen will appear.

What to do if the hymen doesn't bleed

If the hymen ruptures, especially on the first night of intercourse, so that no blood comes out, this is a very tense situation for many people. This can have a serious negative impact on family relationships. However, if the hymen does not bleed, there may be other reasons for this. The most important of these is that the hymen is of the round type. There are several different types of hymen, depending on the type of membrane. If the hymen has a large, rounded structure in the middle, for many people this means no bleeding. If there is no blood, a visit to the doctor and an examination will show why. If the hymen is flexible and thin-edged, the penis can easily enter the vagina without any bleeding. This situation is not very rare.

Apart from the fact that there is a rounded area in the middle of the hymen, another reason for not bleeding is that the hymen is too thick. In very thick hymen, rupture may not be possible. In this case, a complete sexual intercourse cannot be achieved, and since this is not a normal hymen structure, it will also prevent the woman from becoming pregnant in the future. In this case, there is a different intervention, hymenectomy, which can also be considered within the scope of hymenoplasty procedures, which falls within the field of gynecologists and doctors working in the field of hymenoplasty. People may make extrajudicial executions because they are not familiar with this field of surgery and the specific problems people experience. In the hymenectomy procedure, the hymen with thick edges is removed and the vagina is brought to a structure that can accommodate the penis. Gynecologists who are experts in their field and who are familiar with the anatomy of this region can perform this procedure.

Another unknown but problematic condition of the hymen is stress-induced retraction of the hymen. Some women, especially those whose partners are obsessed with the hymen, strain themselves during intercourse. In response, the body makes movements that cause the hymen to retract. The hymen, which is buried a few centimeters inside, most likely does not rupture and bleeding does not occur. If this happens, the best thing to do is to see a gynecologist.
In the absence of hymen bleeding, a gynecological examination should be performed instead of extrajudicial execution, as it can cause very stressful situations in the family.

What is the level of pain experienced during hymen rupture?

Since the hymen is a very thin membrane, there is no serious pain or soreness. The highest pain that can occur during hymen breakage can be a very fine ache. If you are thinking about whether it hurts a lot during hymen rupture, do not worry. Hymen rupture is not a painful physical condition. The main cause of pain at this point is the woman's self-contraction.

Does the hymen break during masturbation?

One of the issues that women are most curious about is whether the hymen is broken during masturbation. Masturbation is an act that does not have any negative sexual or physical aspects. Masturbation is a situation that only gives you the sexual pleasure you are looking for. However, a few centimeters of entry into the vagina during masturbation can disrupt the hymen. A thin membranous structure can be very easily broken if it is subjected to a serious physical intervention by a finger. So if you care about the hymen, you should be careful. While there is no deterioration of the hymen with superficial friction, if your finger or the object you use during masturbation deliberately and involuntarily penetrates into the vagina, your hymen can be broken.


One of the most important points about hymenoplasty Ankara is how hymenoplasty is performed for damaged and torn hymen. Hymenoplasty operations, i.e. hymenoplasty procedures, are performed in two ways. These are "permanent hymenoplasty" and "temporary hymenoplasty". Depending on whether the hymenoplasty operation is permanent or temporary, its prices change and its effects also change. Therefore, it is definitely useful to consult a gynecologist before deciding on the sewing model. The patient and the physician decide together whether it will be permanent or temporary. Permanent and temporary hymenal sutures have differences in terms of technical healing and duration.

Permanent Hymen Implantation: FLEP METHOD

The flap method, which is one of the most valid methods of hymen repair, is also known as long-term, that is, permanent hymen repair. The flap method is a tissue shift method in scientific terms. The flap method, which causes the same bleeding caused by the hymen in the first sexual intercourse, is a kind of procedure that will be encountered by those who do permanent hymen sewing research.

Permanent Hymen Transplantation: The Microsurgical Method

Apart from the flap method, another method of permanent hymenal suturing is microsurgery. Microsurgery operation, as the name suggests, is the process of reassembling the torn parts of the hymen with a fine surgical operation. Microsurgery is a more reliable and accurate method than flap. However, it will be important to agree with a relatively more advanced and experienced doctor for microsurgical hymenoplasty. It is a type of hymen restoration operation that requires experience and professionalism. As for the type of repair to be performed, preferences are made according to the amount of remaining intact hymen, the durability of the tissue and the patient-physician decision.

Short-Term OR TEMPORARY Hymenoplasty Operations

Apart from permanent hymen operations, another model is the short-term hymen sewing procedure. This procedure is usually used by women who will get married soon. In short-term hymen sewing procedures, the vagina is narrowed and in this case, bleeding occurs between 1 and 7 days in the same way in case of hymen damage. Depending on your preference, long-term permanent hymen restoration operations or short-term operations may be more suitable for you. For information on this subject, we recommend that you consult a specialist gynecologist. Short-term, i.e. temporary hymenoplasty is preferred by women whose wedding date is close.

Is hymenoplasty a useful surgical procedure?

As we mentioned in our article, the hymen is an extremely natural and delicate structure, and it is very likely to be damaged in some way. However, despite everything, due to unconsciousness and lack of education, many people see the hymen as a symbol of virginity, and in case of a possible hymen bleeding, serious accusations can be directed and sometimes even marriages can end. To avoid such a situation, you can eliminate this risk by undergoing a serious hymenoplasty operation. Hymenoplasty is a useful procedure for women. Many women who have lost their self-confidence and behaved timidly before hymenoplasty gain self-confidence and take more confident steps in their lives. If the hymen is important for you and your family, you should definitely be examined before the wedding. Since the first sexual intercourse can sometimes occur without bleeding due to the structure, if this situation will cause you problems, it will be useful to take the necessary precautions before marriage.

Which doctors can perform hymenoplasty

In medical terms, gynecologists are competent in hymen restoration. However, not every gynecologist is an expert in hymenoplasty. In this sense, you should only go to hymenoplasty specialist doctors. Since it is a serious issue for women, only specialist doctors can be visited for this operation. For detailed information about hymenoplasty, you can contact our office for appointment and price information, and you can be examined by Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu.

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Hymenoplasty operations are operations with a very high success rate. If you perform this operation with a plastic surgeon who is an expert in the field and has a good command of hymenoplasty, you will get a 100% successful result.


There are many different conditions of the hymen. Among them, there are women whose hymen is naturally behind, and there are women whose hymen is too high. Since there will be no bleeding as a result, you can undergo an operation for the hymen condition that you think may cause you problems. With microsurgical procedures performed on the hymen, the hymen that is flexible or backward can be restored to the form it should normally be.

Why does the hymen break? What should you do to prevent it from breaking?

One of the most important questions about the hymen, which is a sensitive issue for women, is for what reason exactly do the hymen break down? Can the hymen be broken by friction? According to experts, it is close to impossible to break the hymen through frictional intercourse. However, a very serious physical intervention may rarely lead to this situation. It is common for the hymen to be broken by finger penetration, especially during masturbation.

How old do you have to be to have a hymen examination?

A question mark in some people's minds is how old they need to be to legally undergo hymenoplasty. In Turkey, the lower age limit for hymenoplasty is 18 years old. Anyone who has turned 18 can apply for hymenoplasty by going directly to a professional gynecologist without consulting any specialist. However, those under the age of 18 can have a hymen examination and hymen sewing with the consent of their parents. In short, the only rule of hymen stitching, which does not have any legal obstacles, is to be over the age of 18.


Hymenoplasty surgery, which starts after numbing the area with local anesthesia, is completed in 15-20 minutes on average. You can contact us for information about hymenoplasty fees.


One of the most feared issues in the hymenoplasty operation, which is performed by many women in great secrecy due to social conditions, is the question of 'is the hymenoplasty procedure understandable'. Whether it is flap or microsurgery technique or other types of operations, there is no possibility for a person to notice the hymen operation. Only a very professional gynecologist can notice this procedure. In this case, you have nothing to fear. Your partner or lover will never notice if you are considering such a procedure.

ANKARA Hymen Sewing Prices

Hymen restoration prices vary according to the cities, the preferred practice and the suturing technique applied. For example, there may be different prices for permanent or temporary hymen stitching, as well as price differences from city to city and between hospitals and clinics. You can contact us from our contact numbers for the price of hymen stitching and have Op. Dr. Aslıhan Yazıcıoğlu perform hymen stitching.

My Hymen is Broken, What Should I Do?

First of all, you should never get stressed. Hymenoplasty operations are now both affordable and procedures that can be performed in every city in privacy and very easily. Continue your life without disturbing your psychology and without being unfair to yourself. The best method is to go to a gynecologist close to where you live and get information about this service you will receive in the field of hymenoplasty.

Damage to the hymen, which can deteriorate for many different reasons, is never an issue that you need to bother about. You can return to your old daily life with hymenoplasty.

Symptoms of an infection after hymenoplasty

You can be discharged immediately after the hymenoplasty is completed. Swelling and slight brown discharge in the area after the procedure is considered normal. No inflammation is expected after the procedure.

Can hymen examination be done with ultrasound?

The hymen is a structure located further up the vagina and its main function is to protect the vagina. In some cases it may need to be examined. Ultrasound is not used to determine this. Instead, a vaginal examination is more often preferred. If necessary, an ultrasound image can be added to the vaginal examination performed by the doctor.


Cleaning and hygiene of the genital area of women who have undergone surgery is very important. Cleanliness should be given importance in order not to catch germs. The recovery period after sewing is approximately 1 week and 10 days. During this period, it is necessary not to make heavy movements or do sports. Itching may occur in the genital area as the stitches dissolve.

This itching should definitely be avoided. Scratching can damage the sewing area. Sea and pool should not be entered for 1 month. The healing process is an average of 1 week and 10 days. During this period, all kinds of sexual contact should be avoided. At the end of the 1st month, the patient can have sexual intimacy if he/she wishes. The medications given by the doctor should be used without interruption, in accordance with the prescription and at certain times.


There are some things that need to be done after hymenoplasty. Your doctor will prescribe certain antibiotics to be used after your hymen has been sewn and you will need to take them regularly.

What you need to do with antibiotics is to clean your genital area. The antibiotics that your doctor has given you after the surgical procedure can sometimes have side effects. If you see side effects of the antibiotics you use, contact your doctor. The doctor will change your medication according to your condition and give you antibiotics with fewer side effects.

Since you will have pain with antibiotics, your doctor will prescribe you painkillers. When you take antibiotics regularly, you should go to the doctor for a check-up. Antibiotics are given to prevent infection during the sewing of the hymen.

Light bleeding on the first night after hymen repair, is it normal?

The hymen is made of original and original real tissues with veins. When the hymen is sewn, it is like a real hymen. In other words, the sewn membrane looks like the original membrane. Women who have had a membrane rupture or sexual intercourse before and have had a membrane sewn, do not have problems on the first night. On the first night of marriage, blood during sexual intercourse may bleed more or less than the original membrane. The biggest reason for this is the abundance of vessels and tissues of the sewn membrane. If there is less blood on the first night even though the hymen has been sewn, this is normal. Because the sutured membrane may have few veins and tissues. In dense vascular membranes, blood may be excessive.

What happens if the hymen does not bleed after hymenoplasty?

The absence of bleeding after hymenoplasty does not mean that there is no membrane. The anatomical structure of each woman is very different from each other. In some women, the membrane can be very flexible. For this reason, rupture does not occur. The membrane begins to expand inwards. In some women, bleeding does not occur because the number of vessels on the membrane is small. Because of the small number of vessels, blood may not come out during rupture. Another reason for the absence of bleeding is that the woman is not ready. Because of the lack of readiness, the muscles begin to tighten themselves. The muscles that tighten during squeezing prevent the membrane from rupturing. For this reason, bleeding may not occur. A very rare reason is a thickly sewn hymen. If the hymen is sewn thick, bleeding may not occur.

Does a ruptured hymen heal and recover on its own?

The number of women who want to have their hymen sewn after unwanted sexual intercourse and rape is increasing. Especially after the increasing number of rape cases, this situation has become a problem and women who have been raped are knocking on the door of doctors for hymen sewing.

On the other hand, the most researched topic on the internet is the question of self-healing of the hymen. Of course, the hymen does not heal on its own. After the first bleeding is over, the tissue heals, the bleeding stops, but the hymen remains open.

In some cases, it may be possible for women with flexible membrane area to have more than one intercourse without rupture. Again, it is healthiest to make the right decision by consulting a physician.

Can a person assess the structure of the hymen for themselves?

The structure of the hymen is not a structure that will be revealed as a result of self-assessments. Because the hymen; It is not a structure that can only be understood as a result of observation, which is generally expressed as perforated, flexible in some women, and has a structure expressed as harder and tense in some women. The only thing that can be understood as a result of observation is whether there is damage to the structure and to what extent it is damaged or perforated. Other structural features (whether the hymen is stretched or flexible) can only be estimated by assessing sexual intercourse. If there is bleeding during intercourse and bleeding stops after the first intercourse; in general, there is a tense hymen. Otherwise, it can be observed to be flexible.