
Pregnancy Week by Week - Pregnancy Calendar

This is a calendar that allows us to track what will change in your body during the weeks of pregnancy and the development of your baby.

Pregnancy Tracking Week by Week
First Trimester

Week 4

Development of the baby: In week 3, ovulation took place, the sperm and your egg met in the tube and fertilized, and the first cell of your baby, the zygote, was formed. Your baby then begins to divide rapidly and implants in the back and upper part of your uterus. You may have a slight bleeding during implantation, DO NOT WORRY...This can happen during implantation. This bleeding is exactly what is popularly called menstruation. General anesthesia is applied to avoid pain during the procedure. After the outer lip filling, daily life can be resumed on the same day.
Change in the Mother: The bleeding from the implantation is very mild, there is not necessarily bleeding in case of implantation. If it is definitely different from your normal period, have a BHCG hormone checked. BHCG IS THE HORMONE YOU WILL HAVE CHECKED IN THE BLOOD WHEN YOUR PERIOD IS LATE. If you do not want to give blood, you can use a pregnancy test from a pharmacy to find out if you are pregnant.This week you may feel like you are going to have your period. You may feel tiredness, fullness in the breasts, tendency to sleep, groin pain.

Week 5

Development of the baby: During this period, your baby is a tiny grain of dust 0.2-0.4mm long and organs begin to form. There are 3 layers, organs start to form from these layers. The heart starts to beat as the first organ to develop in the baby, you can now listen to the heart sound on ultrasound. The brain and nerve tissue starts to develop in the shape of a groove from the beginning of this week. The miracle begins...
Mother's Change: As the uterus grows, the ligaments holding the uterus are stretched and the patient feels groin pain more intensely. Sensitivity to small odors begins. There is also a feeling of nausea due to odor sensitivity.

Week 6

Baby's Development: The baby's partner, the placenta, which provides nourishment between you and the baby, has begun to function. The baby is 3mm. Your tiny baby is the size of a lentil.... The baby's nerve tissue and brain structure continue to grow, and the heart continues to pump blood to other tissues.
Mother's Change: You may experience emotional fluctuations during this period, which is due to hormonal changes. From this period onwards, the feeling of nausea may increase due to the increase in the bhcg hormone, and sensitivity to odors increases. There is no requirement that these things must happen during this period. Most pregnant women go through their pregnancy without any nausea or vomiting. Fatigue and tendency to sleep increase during this period.

7th week

Baby Development: Your baby is 10-12 mm. The umbilical cord, eyes, eyelids, ears, nose, mouth and the root of the nose are beginning to form. Arms, legs, hands, feet and nails are starting to form. Your baby is protected in a fluid called the amniotic sac since early pregnancy.
Changes in the Mother: Darkening of the nipples, enlargement and fullness of the breasts, pain in the breasts. There is frequent hunger and frequent urination. In this week, patients may frequently present with bleeding. This is called threatened miscarriage, be sure to inform your own doctor.

Week 8

Baby's Development: Your baby is 15 mm long. The first movements start during these weeks and your baby can bend his/her elbows in his/her arms. You will not feel these movements yet, you can feel baby movements between 16-20 weeks.

The formation of the tongue and lips will be completed by the end of this week. The lens (eye), intestines, pancreas and lungs have started to develop slowly. The development of the lungs will accelerate this week and will continue until the 34th week. Skeletal tissue has started to develop. Although fingers and toes are forming, there are curtains between them. So they are adjacent, this will be removed in time.
Mother's Change: This week your uterus is the size of an orange, in this case your uterus extends over the bladder and your urge to urinate frequently increases. You may have skin problems, acne may increase. This goes away after the first trimester. You may also have spotting and groin pain like during menstruation, do not worry. During these periods, tendency to sleep, bloating and groin pain may continue to increase.

Week 9

Baby's Development: Your baby will be 25 mm, 4 cm by the end of the 9th week and weigh exactly 4 g. How quickly the days pass, how fast everything happens, isn't it?
There will be important changes in the facial structure, lips and eyes continue to develop. Mouth opening and closing movements have started. The intestines, which were around the cord, are slowly making their way to their own area.
Mother's Changes: The fullness in the breasts has increased. Heartburn and indigestion increase. In this case, feed little and often.

Week 10

Baby's Development: Your baby is 5.5 cm and 6 g. There was a very important development this week. Urine production has started in the baby. This is a very, very important cycle, your baby's ability to swallow and return the fluid is very important for the baby's nutrition system and it has started to work actively. By the way, this urine is not urine as we know it, it is urine containing amniotic fluid (the fluid that the baby is in), which does not contain bacteria.

The liver starts working and starts producing the baby's blood cells. The placenta (the baby's partner) removes many of the toxic substances produced by the baby. The placenta is part of the baby and it is the exchange between mother and baby. Your baby's genital organs (gender) start to form from this week. But the gender is still not clear, the gender is best seen in the 16th week. Your baby's eye color iris starts to form, eyelids are formed.
Mother's Change: The nausea starts to subside, you may cry and get angry easily again, and your desire to sleep may continue to increase. A reminder to fathers at this point; the pregnant woman is always right. Psychological support is important. During this period, the blood volume in pregnancy increased by 40-50%. The blood flow to the uterus also continues to increase. Vascularization in your legs starts to increase. Varicose veins may occur.

Week 11

Baby's Development: The baby's organ development is being completed. Therefore, the first 3 months are very important, please be careful during this period! This week, your baby, whose head is big, gradually develops around the abdomen and becomes more like a human baby rather than an alien. The senses of smell, taste and touch begin to develop, and the external auditory canal and eardrum begin to form. YOU WILL NOW BE ABLE TO COMMUNICATE MORE EASILY WITH YOUR BABY. Start playing music. It will take until the 24th week to complete the sense of hearing. When the sense of taste and touch are added, your baby is slowly starting to memorize them. The veil between their hands and feet has lifted and you may find your baby waving to you when you go for your ultrasound check-up.
Mother's Change: The uterus has grown from an orange to the size of a small melon, and the mother's adaptation is now more comfortable. Nausea and odor sensitivities have started to decrease and you are slowly waking up from hibernation. Your sexual desire is also increasing and the change is called the miracle of pregnancy.

Week 12

Development of the baby: Your baby is 8 cm and 14 g. All the baby's organs have been formed and it has started to grow in structure (volume). And the hair is growing and the nails are starting to grow. It starts to move quite a lot and when you look at the baby with ultrasound this week, you can see that it opens and closes its mouth and does swallowing exercises. In this week, we can use these movements to measure the head-pop distance, nuchal thickness and nasal bone more easily for the 2-point scan test. This week your baby's heart beats between 140-160. Afterwards, this number will decrease and will be around 120-140.
Mother's Change: The uterus starts to grow upward from the bone roof, there may be occasional groin pains as the uterus grows, there may be complaints of hair loss or very fast nail growth. Breast growth increases. A line starts to form in the midline of the abdomen.

Second Trimester

Week 13

Baby's Development: Your baby is 9 cm and weighs 27 g.

  • Eyes are moving closer together, the lower ears are coming up, and your baby is becoming more human looking.
  • Gender can be determined, but it is not a definitive result, it can be evaluated according to the ultrasound posture of the structure we call the genital tubercle.
  • The baby's lungs begin breathing even though they are not full of air.
  • The gallbladder starts producing bile and the pancreas starts producing the main hormones.

Mother's Change: During this period, you may have stabbing groin pains due to the growth of your uterus and pain may hit the lower region. This is due to the stretching of the round ligament, which is one of the support ligaments during the growth of the uterus, and these pains will decrease after these weeks.

Week 14

Baby's Development: Your baby is 11 cm and 45 g. The development of the lungs continues to accelerate. The neck is forming and it has started to move its hands and feet according to itself, freeing its head from its fixed position. Mother's Change: You are entering the period when our expectant mother will be most comfortable during pregnancy. During this period, nausea and vomiting and fatigue will decrease. During this period, you may have constipation problems due to the relaxing effect of progesterone on smooth muscle. Try to consume plenty of fiber food...

Week 15

Development of the baby: At the 15th week, it was 12 cm, 74 g;

  • Bone and muscle tissue begin to develop faster during these weeks. Hair begins to form on the skin (lanugo)
  • Your baby's gender can be told more clearly this week. Remember that there is no certainty until the baby is born.

Mother's Change: You can now feel your uterus like a ball, you may still not feel the baby's movements, these are bowel movements. During this period, skin pigmentation increases due to the effect of increasing estrogen hormone. The spots that occur during pregnancy may increase in this week, be sure to use sunscreen when going out in the sun. During this period, blood volume increases by 40-50% during pregnancy, and most of this blood volume is directed towards the uterus.

Week 16

Baby's Development: Your baby is 16 cm and 110 grams

In this week, your baby is developing very fast again, the arms are longer than the legs. Patients who have already given birth in these weeks can feel the baby's movements more quickly. During this week, the mother's blood tests, which we call triple and quadruple screening tests, and the baby's head circumference are measured and an intelligence screening test is performed.

Mother's Change: You no longer have any groin pains and your nausea and vomiting are completely gone. Your nutrition is important during this period because you are entering the period when calcium is spent intensively in the body. Muscle aches may start to appear. Tooth decay may increase. Start consuming plenty of yogurt.

Week 17

Baby's Development: This week your baby is 18 cm and 150 g;

The baby's transformation is very fast. Subcutaneous fat tissue increases rapidly.

  • Suction, swallowing, blinking reflexes occur during these weeks.
  • Calcium storage in bones increases.
  • Muscle tissue begins to increase rapidly.

Mother's Change: We have reached the weeks when the mother gains the most weight. The nausea and vomiting have stopped and the mother can eat comfortably. Calcium storage is very important during these weeks. If she cannot consume milk and dairy products, supportive treatment should be given.

Week 18

Development of the baby:Your baby is 20 cm and 210 g at week 18.

  • Feces called meconium begin to form in the intestines during this week.
  • You can feel the first movements, these movements are the ones you feel during turning and kicking. In fact, your baby starts to move from the 8th-10th week. But it may take until this week for you to feel it.

Mother's Change: As the abdomen grows, the patient has difficulty turning from right to left. There is a transition to looser clothes. In this week, you may urinate very often as the baby starts to press on the bladder. And blood pressure may drop a little more during this period.

Week 19

Baby's Development: At 19 weeks, your baby is 24 cm and 250 g. All the muscles and nervous system of the baby are fully developed. As you start talking to your baby from this week, he/she will react to you, don't think that the baby can't feel and talk to your baby a lot.

  • There is a substance covering the surface of your baby's skin called vernix caseosa. This liquid structure increases a little more during this week and accompanies the baby until birth.
  • Your baby is beginning to perceive sounds better and may respond to your shouts, so speak as softly as possible.

Mother's Change: The mother's belly gets a little bigger. She may start to run out of breath in very fast movements, so start moving without tiring yourself too much. Again in the 20th week, the baby's hair and eyebrows start to grow fast, so the mother may have heartburn.

Week 20

Development of the baby: At 20 weeks, your baby is 26 cm and 300-400 grams.

  • The eyes are usually closed, but they start to open and close.
  • If the baby is a boy, his testicles will return from the abdomen and start to fill the scrotum. The sperm cell in the testicles is very sensitive and cannot withstand body temperature, so it stays in the bag.
  • The stomach is now able to digest.
  • Detailed ultrasound is done this week to look at the baby's detailed organs.

Mother's Change: Mother's blood pressure is in its last drops. In such cases, lie down somewhere and lift your feet up. Also, your most important precaution in this condition, which develops due to hormones that we call pregnancy mask, is to walk around with sunscreen in sunny weather.

Week 21

Development of the baby:At week 21, the baby is 29 cm and 450 g. After this period, its growth starts to slow down.

  • The heart muscles develop.
  • The gums begin to develop.
  • Red blood cell count increases.
  • He grows taller, the brain continues to grow.
  • Eyelids are formed.
  • Sperm production in the male baby starts from this week.

Mother's Change: The mother starts breathing very quickly, as the baby grows, there is pressure on other organs and breathing may become difficult. Again, the mother may be more prone to urinary tract infections during this period.

Week 22

Development of the baby: At 22 weeks, the baby is 32 cm and 500 g.

  • Lips, eyelids, eyebrows become more prominent.
  • Even tiny tooth roots begin to develop.
  • Eye formation is complete, but the color is still not clear.
  • The pancreas, one of the most important hormone secreting glands, continues to develop.

Mother's Change:Back and lower back pain may increase. Swelling may start to occur in the legs, for this, when she rests, she should definitely put pillows under her feet to accelerate blood return. Again, when there is swelling, it should be evaluated in terms of blood pressure. Hair loss decreases. Heartburn may increase. Blood volume increases and a picture we call pseudo-anemia may develop. Muscle cramps increase.

Week 23
Development of the baby: The baby is 32 cm and 550 g. The baby's face and body are becoming more and more defined, the lips are becoming more prominent.

  • Your baby now responds more consciously and starts to learn.
  • The amniotic fluid the baby is in will increase. This causes the baby's living space to expand and the mother will feel the baby moving more. Get ready for intense kicks.

Mother's Change:

  • You should have gained 3-4 kilograms on average. Your weight point has gradually shifted, you may be walking a little further backwards.
  • Your breathing has become a little faster. Always use two pillows when lying down.
  • And your hair is more vibrant, you can dye it after this week. Organic dyes will help you with this.

Week 24
Development of the baby: At week 24, it reached 33 cm and 600 g.

  • Your baby's hearing has improved even more. It can distinguish between your voice, your heartbeat and the rumbling of your tummy.
  • The sounds he wants to hear most: Mommy and Daddy's voice.
  • The veins in your baby's lungs continue to dilate and he or she continues to swallow. At the moment, the baby may have a chance of coming into the world, but the chance of survival is around 50%.

Mother's Change:

  • In this week, the mother may have more vaginal discharge. This may be due to hormones or may indicate that you have an infection. Be sure to contact your doctor.
  • Muscle cramps may continue to increase. Please remember to eat plenty of vegetables and meat.
  • The long line in the midline is now visible, don't worry, it will disappear after the birth.
  • You have come to the most curious test in mid-pregnancy: The sugar loading test. In Europe and the USA, you should routinely take a 75 g sugar loading test.

Third Trimester

Week 25
Baby's Development: At week 25, your baby is 34 cm and 700 g.

  • The baby's sex characteristics are fully formed.
  • The spinal system and joints take their final shape. (It now has the strength to kick you more easily.
  • The sense of taste develops. (So don't consume bitter during these weeks)
  • The baby's range of motion begins to narrow.
  • The baby falls asleep and wakes up.

Mother's Change:

  • Fatigue increases, enlarged uterus may cause pain in the lower back and legs, discharge may increase and dry eyes may start. There may be pain in the buttocks when sitting. I recommend putting a pillow between your legs while sleeping.

Week 26
Baby's Development: At 26 weeks, your baby is 35 cm and 910 g.

  • The visual layer in the eye is formed (i.e. it starts to understand day and night)
  • He feels his eyelids and starts to open and close them.
  • The baby reacts more consciously in this week, learning to startle and react to excessive noise in this week.

Mother's Change:

  • With the 26th week, swelling may increase and pain in the ribs may increase. There may be contractions and relaxations in the uterus. Do not panic. While pregnant women do not feel some of these, if they feel intense pain, they should consult their doctor immediately.

Week 27
Development of the baby: At 27 weeks, the baby is 35 cm and weighs 1000 g.

  • The baby starts to open and close its eyes.
  • Sucks its thumb, develops jaw muscles.
  • The baby is more sensitive to sounds and can distinguish between the voices of mother and father.

Mother's Change:

  • Sleeping and breathing problems may occur. There may be problems lying down. Cholesterol may be high in cholesterol tests, pregnant women may continue to gain weight.

Week 28
Development of the baby: At the 28th week, the baby is 35 cm and weighs 1100 gr.

  • The baby's fat storage increases. Their cheeks start to plump up. Foods containing a lot of calcium benefit the baby.
  • The 5 senses are now developed.
  • The baby may smile at you on ultrasound under doctor's supervision.
  • He can kick and roll at the same time.
  • Hair continues to grow.

Mother's Change:

  • You are entering the last trimester. During this period, you may have evening swelling of the hands and feet. However, do not consume pickles, very salty foods during this period.
  • I recommend buying a comfortable armchair to prevent back pain during this period. Both you and your baby will be comfortable during breastfeeding.
  • Pregnancy stretch marks may occur. They are red in color, don't worry, they will turn white and fade after birth.
  • You may have fluid coming from your breasts during this period of pregnancy. There may also be milk. The breasts are also preparing for the process.

Week 29
Development of the baby: In this week, the baby is 37 cm and weighs 1250 g.

  • All organs in the body have completed their development except the lungs. This is because the lungs grow until the age of 8.
  • Your little baby continues to move inside, the baby lies on your right side and then on your left side.
  • Blood cells are producing warrior cells. The immune system is developed.

Mother's Change:

  • He has gained at least 11 kilos. And his belly has gotten bigger. Wherever her belly goes, the direction is in that direction. Nipple sensitivity has started and milk production continues to increase. Our expectant mother is very sensitive during these periods, be careful.

Week 30
Baby's Development: At 30 weeks, your baby is 38 cm and weighs 1400 g.

  • Your baby's brain has grown and its nervous system has developed. But the nervous system will continue to develop from birth until the age of 7.
  • His nails have grown, he can scratch himself.
  • Touch your baby's tummy a lot, because this is how you can convey touch and love to him/her.

Mother's Change:
With the 30th week, the expectant mother is getting a little closer to the birth, wondering how she will give birth and overhearing a lot of conversations. Her appetite continues to increase at full speed. Her movements are also becoming increasingly difficult. She becomes unable to bend and get up. She gets up in the morning with the help of her husband. During this period, I recommend patients to walk a lot.

Week 31
Development of the baby:Your baby weighs 1600 g and is 40 cm long.
The baby continues to grow. He can turn his head from right to left. He can move his arms and legs. The subcutaneous fatty tissue starts to increase, he/she is probably very active and you may have a sleep disturbance, your baby is doing somersaults and waking you up. Be relaxed. In fact, these are all signs that your baby is healthy and active.

Mother's Change:
Have you noticed the muscles in your uterus tightening? Many women feel these random contractions, called Braxton Hicks contractions, during the second half of pregnancy. They are irregular, usually lasting about 30 seconds, and should be rare and painless at this point. On the other hand, frequent contractions, even if they don't hurt, can be a sign of preterm labor. If you have more than four contractions in an hour or other signs of preterm labor, call your doctor immediately.

You may have noticed some colostrum or "premilk" leaking from your breasts recently. If so, try tucking a breast pad into your bra to protect your clothes.

Week 32
Baby's Development: Your baby is 1800 g and 42 cm.
From this week on, if you gain 1 kilogram per week, half of it will go to the baby and its appendages. Even though you say you are gaining a lot of weight, you are actually gaining weight for the baby. He has toenails and hair. She has small hairs on her shoulders called peach fuzz. She prepares for birth by making her skin smooth and soft before birth.

Mother's Change:
Your blood volume increased by 40-50% during this period, what does that mean? You are breathing more frequently. As your uterus moves closer to your breathing muscle, your shortness of breath and heartburn increase. Get support from pillows while sleeping. Try to eat less and less. Your back pain may increase. Take plenty of walks and make sure your labor is comfortable. Since premature birth may develop from this week, the expectant mother and father should complete their preparations as anything can happen at any time. Bags and baby supplies should be prepared and the mother's clothes should always be ready.

Week 33
Baby's Development: Your baby is 2000 g and 43 cm.
Your baby is rapidly losing its wrinkled and alien appearance. The bones in the skull stick together, move and overlap slightly, making it easier to fit into the birth canal. The pressure on the head during labor is very intense and many babies are born with a cone-like head.

Mother's Change:
Now that your baby has filled most of your belly, you may find it difficult to do some things. You may find yourself struggling to get up. Sleeping may become more difficult. It may be hard to find an easy position to sit in. You may feel numbness in your fingers and hands. You may have blisters on your wrists. To reduce this, you can use a hand bandage and sleep with your hand on a pillow.

Also, many women still feel very sexy during this period and continue to have sex until the birth begins. Actually, I think there should be some limitations during this period.

Week 34
Baby's Development: Your baby weighs 2225 g and is 44 cm long.
She may even smile at you during the ultrasound. When the expectant mother sees this smile, she will forget all her troubles. Seeing how happy your baby is will make you very happy too. In the 34th week, your baby's hair has grown longer and his/her eyebrows are fully defined. Don't worry about premature birth, even if he/she is born this week, he/she will not have any health problems.

Mother's Change:
Your fatigue may return this week. It will not be coma-like as it was at the beginning, but it will return a little more. Because you are in a period when you will find it more difficult to move and you will have to go to the toilet at night and you will have insomnia and feel tired. You may also experience sudden drops in blood pressure. Get up slowly from your seat.

Week 35
Baby's Development: Your baby is 2600 g and 47 cm.
. The baby will not be able to do spectacular somersaults because there is not much space left in the uterus, but the same number of movements is important. The kidneys are fully developed. The liver is able to process some waste. From now on, the baby will spend its energy on gaining weight.

Mother's Change:
The uterus, which was in the bones when you were conceived, is now under the ribs, which can lead to increased problems such as difficulty breathing and heartburn. If you are not in this group, you are in the lucky minority. From this week onwards you will see your doctor more often. Now that the birth is approaching, get everything ready and plan well.

Week 36
Baby's Development: Your baby is 2800 g and 48 cm.
The baby's head is now down due to gravity. It is entering the birth canal. False labor pains may increase from this week. Also, the vernix caseosa covering the baby's surface covers the entire skin and sheds the blonde hair. The baby swallows these spilled substances and starts to form the dark colored stool 'meconium'.

Mother's Change:
Because your baby is taking up so much space, you may have trouble eating a normal-sized meal. Smaller, more frequent meals are usually easier at this point. On the other hand, you may have less heartburn and an easier time breathing as your baby starts to "drop" into the pelvis. This process, called enlightenment, happens a few weeks before the birth if it is your first baby. (If you have given birth before, it will probably not happen before labor starts.) If your baby drops, you may feel increased pressure in the lower abdomen, which can make it increasingly uncomfortable and you will probably have to urinate more often. If your baby is very low, you may feel a lot of vaginal pressure and discomfort. Some women have said it feels as if they are carrying a bowling ball between their legs.

Week 37
Baby's Development:: Your baby weighs 3000 g and measures 50 cm.
Your due date is very close now, but we doctors do not expect your baby until 39 weeks. It can come at any time. If the baby spends the next two weeks in the womb, it is better for your baby's brain and lungs to fully mature.

Mother's Change:
False labor pain contractions may be more frequent, last longer and be more uncomfortable. You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If you see a "bloody show" in the form of "bloody tiny mucus" in the toilet or in your underwear, labor is probably a few days away.

It may be harder than usual to fall asleep well at night. If you can, sleep during the day may be your last chance to do so for a long time. Keep watching your baby's movements and if you notice a drop, let your health care provider know immediately.

While you sleep, you are probably having intense dreams. Unconsciously, your anxiety about both childbirth and becoming a parent may increase.

Week 38
Baby's Development:: Your baby is now 3300 g and 51 cm.
. Now the birth is very close, but we doctors do not consider the baby full term until 39 weeks. During these two weeks in the womb, the baby's lungs and brain continue to mature. If this is a repeat caesarean section, doctors will not take you for a caesarean section before 39 weeks unless it is medically necessary.

Most babies are born with a dense or medium amount of hair, so don't be surprised if your baby's hair color doesn't look like yours. A couple with very dark hair may have a blonde or red baby. Or a couple with curly hair may have a baby with gorgeous straight hair.

Mother's Change:
False labor pain contractions may be more frequent, last longer and be more uncomfortable. You may notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If you see a "bloody show" in the form of "bloody tiny mucus" in the toilet or in your underwear, labor is probably a few days away.

It may be harder than usual to fall asleep well at night. If you can, sleep during the day may be your last chance to do so for a long time. Keep watching your baby's movements and if you notice a drop, let your health care provider know immediately.

While you sleep, you are probably having intense dreams. Unconsciously, your anxiety about both childbirth and becoming a parent may increase.

Week 39
Development of the baby::She is now counting the seconds, maybe even seconds, until her baby comes out quite large. It weighs 3500 and is 52-53 cm long.

Mother's Change:
For many women, the next few weeks are a waiting game. Use this time to prepare your baby's caregiver, do some childcare, or do necessary tasks that you won't be able to find for a while after your baby's birth. Take naps, keep reading and spend uninterrupted time with your partner whenever possible.

Swelling of your feet and ankles is normal during these last weeks, but if you experience excessive or sudden swelling of your feet or ankles, slight swelling of your hands, swelling or puffiness of your face, call your doctor or midwife immediately without delay. If you have severe or persistent headaches, report them immediately; if you also have visual changes (double or blurred vision, blotches or flashing lights, light sensitivity or temporary loss of vision), intense upper abdominal pain or tenderness, or nausea and vomiting, it is urgent. These are signs of a serious condition called pre-eclampsia.

Week 40
Baby's Development: Your baby is fully formed this week and waiting to greet the world. He is still forming a layer of fat to help control his body temperature after birth, but he is most likely around 3600 g and 53 cm. The outer layers of his skin are breaking down with new skin forming underneath.

Mother's Change:
At each of your weekly visits, your doctor or midwife will do an abdominal exam to check the growth and position of your baby. He or she may also do an internal exam to see if your cervix has started to mature: softening, flattening (thinning) and dilation (opening). But even with this information to check, there is no way for your doctor to predict exactly when your baby will arrive. If you go past 40 weeks, you will need frequent check-ups. Your doctor should explain what the risks of waiting are. While you are waiting, you should continue to pay attention to your baby's movements and contact your doctor if there is a lack of movement. Call if you think your water may have broken. Sometimes there is a large flow of fluid, but sometimes there is only a small rush or a slow leak.

Week 41
Development of the baby::It is difficult to be sure how big your baby will be, it will weigh about 3800 g and be 55 cm long. The bones of the skull are not yet fused, which allows the bones to slide over each other in the birth canal during birth and allow the baby to come out of the uterine canal. In this situation, which we call molding, the baby's head is born like an elongated tower, but my suggestion is to relax because this is a temporary condition.

Mother's Change:
After months of anticipation, your due date rolls around and you are still pregnant. It is frustrating but a common situation. It takes a few weeks before you are considered "post-term". But to make sure your baby is still developing, your doctor will continue to check you if your pregnancy continues. He or she will continue to assess the baby's wellbeing by looking at your baby's general movements, breathing patterns (movement of the chest muscles and diaphragm) and muscle tone (whether it opens and closes or stretches and then closes), a biophysical profile (BPP), measuring the baby's fluid, and measuring the baby's pulse, called NST.

Don't worry, you will give birth soon.